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Le champagne
La Champagne
Votre champagne
C'est eux qui l'ont dit
I only drink Champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not
Coco Chanel
Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!
Dom Pérignon
Champagne…it gives you the impression that every day is Sunday
Marlène Dietrich
There comes a time in every womans’ life when the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne
Bette Davis
Champagne is the only wine that leaves a woman beautiful after drinking it
Madame de Pompadour
Always keep a bottle of Champagne in the fridge for special occasions. Sometimes, the special occasion is that you’ve got a bottle of Champagne in the fridge”
Hester Brown
Champagne is one of the elegant extras in life
Charles Dickens
Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right
The great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Remember, gentlemen, it’s not just France we are fighting for, it’s champagne!
I could not live without Champagne. In victory I deserve it. In defeat I need it
Winston Churchill
Pleasure without champagne is purely artificial
Only the unimaginative can fail to find a reason for drinking champagne
Oscar Wilde
Wine gives one ideas, whereas champagne gives strategies
Roman Payne
Il y a un réconfort que seul le grand champagne procure.
Je suis allée me recueillir sur la tombe de Dom Pérignon. Croyez-moi, aucun saint ne me fait autant d'effet que celui-là."
La France est ce pays magique où le plus commun des troquets peut vous servir n'importe quand un grand champagne à température idéale.
Il y a un instant, entre la 15ème et la 16ème gorgée de champagne où tout homme est un aristocrate.
Amélie Nothomb
I only drink champagne when I’m happy, and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company, I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I am not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise I never touch it—unless I’m thirsty
Lily Bollinger
I drink champagne when I win, to celebrate… and I drink champagne when I lose, to console myself
In victory, you deserve champagne. In defeat, you need it
Napoleon Bonaparte